
Export EXW and FCA from Russia | Credotrans

10 years of experience in arranging transportation on EXW and FCA
A large amount of imported cargo to the Russian Federation
Logistic services for your foreign business
Safe cargo delivery

CREDO TRANS provides export services from Russia. They include the following methods: EXW (Ex Works Departure) and FCA (Free Carrier).

Export from a Russian Warehouse

Having been in the field of logistics for more than 10 years, CREDO TRANS team can offer you high-quality logistic services for your foreign business transaction on FCA or EXW terms, from a Russian warehouse.

FCA Export Term

The term FCA is used for transportation and stands for Free Carrier. In simple terms, it means that the seller’s obligations in relation to the goods are preserved only until they transfer the goods to the carrier chosen by the buyer. The freedom of the buyer to choose a logistics company is not limited by anything.

There is also a special FSA export terminology. For example, when you need to transport cargo, the volume of which completely occupies the entire space of a vehicle (train, barge, truck), then the contract specifies:

  • FOT (free on the truck)
  • FIW (free in the wagon)
  • FIB (free on the barge)

When cargo consolidation is required, it is possible to agree with the seller to organize the delivery of goods to the terminal, warehouse, port, which is indicated by the seller. And then the following terminology is applied:

  • FT (free terminal)
  • FOR (free on the rail)
  • FFB (free ferry berth)

EXW Export Meaning

In turn, the term EXW (Ex Works) means that the seller is considered to have fulfilled his delivery obligations when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at his enterprise (for example: at a factory, warehouse, store, etc.) or in another specified location.

The supplier usually transfers the goods at the disposal of the buyer, at the place of its manufacture, or from a warehouse. The seller does not have to load the goods on the transport and export customs clearance of the goods.

How Can I Export Goods From Russia?

As a trusted logistic and transport company, we will assist you in establishing contact with the Seller of the goods. Moreover, we guarantee high-quality and safe delivery of cargo from any point of the Russian Federation (from the manufacturer’s warehouse) to any port of your country, taking into account all your preferences.A huge experience in arranging transportation on EXW and FCA terms is the main achievement of our logistic company. Also, the excellent communication skills of our specialists will help you benefit from the deal with the Seller, reduce the cost of logistics, as well as the price of the goods.

What Goods Do We Import From Russia?

The CREDO TRANS company of transport and logistics is capable of shipping a large amount of imported cargo from Russia through St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk ports. Thereby, we can  provide non-stop turnaround transportation within Russia and delivery of empty containers for loading to an export warehouse immediately after unloading the imported cargo.Our transportation logistic company has built strong connections with all sea lines that enter the Russian Federation ports. In addition, we have a well-established and long-term business relationship with them. As a result, it gives us the opportunity to receive preferences and favorable rates.