Hazardous Cargo Transportation

CREDO TRANS – Global Hazardous Cargo Transportation from Russia

Safe hazardous cargo shipping from Russia. CREDO TRANS offers clients full handling and documentation of your hazardous materials. Hazardous cargo list and classifications.

Hazardous Cargo Shipping

International transportation of dangerous goods is a separate line of the CREDO TRANS company. Our team has extensive experience in this type of transportation, including hazardous cargo shipping. Thanks to their knowledge and professional approach, the company’s specialists organize compliance with all safety conditions during the transportation and storage of dangerous goods.

Hazardous cargo is a type of cargo that can harm human health or cause material damage to the environment during transportation.

The transportation of such goods by sea is regulated by the rules of IMDG, which are developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

What are the 9 different hazard classification codes?

According to the rules of IMDG, hazardous goods are divided into nine main classes:

Class I – explosive materials;

Class II – compressed, liquefied, and dissolved gases under pressure;

Class III – flammable liquids;

Class IV – flammable substances and materials;

Class V – oxidizing agents and organic peroxides;

Class VI – poisonous substances and infectious substances;

Class VII – radioactive materials;

Class VIII – caustic and corrosive substances;

Class IX – other hazardous substances (substances not included in any of the previous classes, but having hazardous properties).

In turn, each class is divided into subclasses, categories, and groups in accordance with the physical and chemical properties of substances, types, and degree of danger.

What is considered dangerous goods for shipping?

When transporting dangerous goods in containers by sea, special attention is paid to the storage, placement, and securing of cargo inside the container. The containers themselves must be marked with special stickers indicating the hazard class. Transshipment of dangerous containers in the port is possible only through terminals that have permission to work with hazardous goods.

Also, the transportation of hazardous cargo requires the shipping company to have a license for a vessel that directly carries out the transportation of a container with such cargo.

All these factors indicate that the transportation and forwarding of hazardous goods is a very responsible process. Special attention and professionalism are required from the participants in this process. And CREDO TRANS has all the necessary qualities for shipping this type of cargo from Russia.

What is the most dangerous hazardous material?

It is impossible to determine which of the classes is the most dangerous since each of them is capable of causing irreparable damage to both humans and the environment. To indicate the dangerous properties of hazardous goods, danger signs are used. The hazard labeling system is based on the classification of dangerous goods and has been developed for the following purposes:

  • To make hazardous goods easily recognizable at a distance by the general appearance of the hazard signs on them (symbol, color, and shape);
  • provide the first useful indication of loading and unloading, storage, and segregation by means of the color of hazard labels.

Having all the necessary documents, as well as extensive experience in the transportation of hazardous goods, CREDO TRANS will help you to safely and reliably deliver dangerous cargo from Russia to anywhere in the world.